More and more homeowners decide to install swimming pools in their backyards nowadays. This is in large part thanks to the cheaper installation and maintenance fees associated with residential swimming pools. However, with the increase of the number of swimming pools, unfortunately, so has the number of drowning-related accidents increased? Usually, it is young children and pets that find themselves in trouble, and more often than not, the cause can be traced back to simple carelessness on the part of the homeowner, who did not – or improperly did – install a fence for the swimming pool. A swimming pool fence is basically a safety fence meant to enclose the swimming pool and prevent access to it. Its main purpose is to prevent pets or young children from straying into the pool without adult supervision, hence why it usually comes with auto-locking systems, and the ability to only be opened from the inside (thereby preventing the lock from being opened from the outside). Pool fences are generally short in height, as they need to prevent the access of only very young kids or pets. Whilst swimming pool fences have been a legal requirement in most countries of the world for quite a while, there are many individuals that still choose to forego this essential installation. Besides facing serious legal consequences, here are some important reasons as to why that glass pool fencing installation Perth is mandatory:
It gives you a peace of mind
If you have young children at home, you will know that no matter how much you try to warn them, they will inevitably make their way to the most dangerous parts of the house as soon as you take your eyes off them. Not to add, there may be times when you simply won’t be home, leaving the kids in charge of a babysitter or another responsible adult. In either scenario, knowing that your young children are unable to make their way to the swimming pool can significantly calm your nerves down – at the very least, they won’t be in the pool if you miss them for a second!
You may find yourself in trouble otherwise – insurance-wise
In the event that someone does drown in your pool, or harms themselves in it, the authorities will definitely be inquiring into whether your swimming pool was secured or not. And if they find that it did not have an aluminium fencing Perth or the like securing it, you will be most likely slapped with serious liability issues, as it is your responsibility to secure the swimming pool as a responsible homeowner.
And to conclude, once again, do not forget that fencing for swimming pools is often required by the law. If you do not want to find yourself in trouble, it will do you good to get a fence installed as soon as possible!